How To Generate
QR Code
Using Javascript


We will learn how to generate QR codes using Javascript. We will implement a QR code generator without any package or plugins.

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QR Code?

What is

A QR code is a quick response code. It's also called a two-dimension barcode. QR code is invented in 1994 by a Japanese company.


We will use QR code API. Using API you can generate dynamic QR codes. Also, you can customize color, size, font color, format, etc.

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The QR code system was invented in 1994 by Masahiro Hara.

The initial design was influenced by the black and white pieces on a Go board.


Global QR Code Usage

1. United States - 43%
2. India - 16%
3. France - 6.5%
4. United Kingdom - 3.6%
5. Canada - 3.6%

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