Laravel 9 Dynamic Bar Chart

We will see how to create dynamic bar chart in laravel 9.

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What is
Bar Chart?

The bar chart or bar graph is a chart or graph that presents categorical data with rectangular bars with height and length proportional to the value.

Bar Chart

The bar chart is invented by William Playfair in 1759-1824. It's sued for commercial and political atlas in the history. It's also called column chart.

Create Dynamic
Bar Chart

- Install Laravel 9
- Create Migration
- Create Route
- Create Controller
- Create Blade File
- Run Laravel Application

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type of
bar charts

- Vertical bar graph
- Horizontal bar graph
- Stacked bar graph
- Grouped bar graph

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disadvantages of bar chart

The bar graph is only used with discrete data. It can be more difficult to compare two data.

how to create bar chart in laravel 9 using highcharts

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